Culinary Experiences in The Netherlands

Discover Luxury. Savour Excellence.

Discover Luxury. Savour Excellence.

At Van Oys, we redefine luxury with culinary experiences that combine impeccable hospitality, refined artistry and serene relaxation. Each of our exclusive packages offers a tailored retreat, allowing you to immerse yourself in the best of what our 5-star superior haven has to offer. From innovative fine dining to rejuvenating wellness, every detail has been designed to create moments of pure delight. Choose your perfect escape and let us make your stay truly unforgettable.

Van Oys Maastricht Retreat Wellness Loft Chateau
Van Oys Maastricht Retreat Wellness Loft Chateau
The Essence of Create
Arrival: Wednesday or Thursday

Immerse yourself in the creativity of Guido Braeken’s culinary vision with an evening of extraordinary flavours and refined luxury.

  • 1-night in one of our luxury rooms or suites
  • Sparkling welcome with appetiser, upon arrival
  • Exclusive surprise by Guido Braeken in your room
  • 5-course dinner (excluding beverages) at restaurant Create by Guido Braeken

  • The Early Bird breakfast

from €299 per person based on 2 guests per room (exclusive service charge)

Create by Guido Braeken
Create by Guido Braeken
The Ultimate of Create
Arrival: Wednesday through Saturday

Elevate your dining adventure with an extended culinary journey showcasing the artistry of Guido Braeken.

  • 1-night in a Deluxe Room one of our luxury rooms or suites
  • Sparkling welcome with appetiser, upon arrival
  • Exclusive surprise by Guido Braeken in your room
  • 7-course dinner (excluding beverages) at restaurant Create by Guido Braeken

  • The Early Bird breakfast

from €359 per person based on 2 guests per room (exclusive service charge)

A Feast for the Senses
Arrival: Tuesday through Saturday

A celebration of taste and elegance over two nights, featuring unique culinary journeys in both of our signature restaurants.

  • 2-nights in one of our luxury rooms or suites
  • Sparkling welcome with appetiser, upon arrival
  • Exclusive surprise by Guido Braeken in your room
  • 5-course dinner (excluding beverages) at Maes, Cuisine du Terroir: Culinary Director, Pascal Jalhay (Tuesday through Sunday)

  • 7-course dinner (excluding beverages) at restaurant Create by Guido Braeken (Wednesday through Saturday)

  • 2x The Early Bird breakfast

from €632 per person based on 2 people per room

Maes - Pascal
Early Bird
Maes Pascal
A Taste of Terroir
A Taste of Terroir
Arrival: Every day

Savour the essence of local flavours in our relaxed yet refined dining experience at Maes.

  • 1-night in one of our luxury rooms or suites
  • Sparkling welcome with appetiser, upon arrival
  • 5-course dinner (excluding beverages) at Maes, Cuisine du Terroir: Culinary Director, Pascal Jalhay

  • The Early Bird breakfast

Starting from €274 per person based on 2 people per room

Refined Comforts:
Included in Every Stay

Access to the spa from 7am to 10pm during your stay
24/7 access to the gym during your stay

Children’s slippers and bathrobe / Children’s amenities / Babysitter upon request (subject to charge)

A warm welcome / The Early Bird Breakfast / Turndown service / High-speed Wi-Fi / Regional and international newspapers / Coffee and tea facilities in the room / Fresh fruit from the region in the room / Spring water in the room / Bathrobe and slippers in the room / Toiletries in the bathroom

Free parking